Crystals are natural beauties with energies that help you achieve your life's desires. With these little friends in your space, you can teach yourself how to love and accept affection from others, clear negative energy, balance your emotions, and manifest financial abundance. Crystals require cleansing and charging after purchasing and using them to acquire energy that aligns with your intentions. If you do not know how to go about it, this blog might be helpful.
Crystals can pick up and store the energy of their surroundings like humans; hence buying and directly using them may not fulfill your intentions. To get started, you need to have your crystals under the right care to allow them to get the right energy. One of the best ways to achieve this is through cleansing and charging, not with a phone cord or soap. Since crystals work on vibration, charging them optimizes their natural energy while cleansing fills them with new positive intentions. The two can happen simultaneously, allowing your healing crystals to work for you in the best way.
Why Cleanse Your Crystals?
As already stated, these natural objects work on the vibration that allows them to grasp and vibe with the energy around them. Using a crystal means you are ready to align your energy to the stone and share the vibration. If the stone has other energies from the source or shop where you bought it, misalignment can happen, negatively affecting what you want to achieve. Therefore, if you have a new crystal, cleansing it can help eliminate the accumulated foreign energies that may prevent it from working efficiently. The same can also happen to the stones you have used multiple times in the bedroom to chip away the clingy vibes and fill in ones that work according to your needs and preferences.
Why Charge Your Crystals?
Charging the crystals optimizes their natural power and attributes, making them more effective. Crystals sit in the rocks, ceaselessly charged before mining. When dug up, their power starts draining, requiring charging for optimal functionality. Charging crystals can happen in various ways to improve your connection with their earthly vibrations. Let us now explore ways of cleansing your crystals.
Cleansing With Running Water
Cleansing your crystals with a running faucet is one of the easy ways to eliminate accumulated negative energies. To achieve this method, hold the crystals in running water for a minute or two while moving your fingers on them for effective cleansing. This cleansing method is not ideal for crystals that dissolve in water including Fluorite, Malachite, Selenite, Pyrite, Hematite, Azurite, Celestite, Tangerine Quartz, Ulexite, and Gypsum.
Using Himalayan Salt
Crystal cleansing with Himalayan Salt is a great way of removing negative energies in salts that dissolve in water. Fill three-quarters of your medium-sized bowl with salt and place your crystals on the surface. Place the bowl in a cool, dry place for 24 hours and remove the stones, now recharged and cleansed. You can always use this method when not using your crystals to have them cleansed and charged every time.
Cleansing With Incense
Removing clingy energy in healing crystals with incense favors various lifestyles. This method is also a better alternative to salt and full moon, ensuring you do not struggle to get the best from your crystals. Burn your incense and hold the crystals in the smoke. The best way to go about this is cleansing one stone after the other for maximum purification. This allows you to freely rotate the stones for equal distribution of the smoke on all sides. A box-style incest holder can also get this job done in a better way. Place your crystals in the box and burn your incense. Crystals that qualify for this method include Amber, Patchouli, Nag Champa, Sandalwood, Dragon's Blood, and White Sage.
Full Moon Cleansing
Place your crystals outside your house before the sun sets to take advantage of the full moon night. Ensure you set them in a location that receives direct moonlight, especially up the tree if the ground has too much shade. Allow them to stay under the moonlight overnight and get them inside at 11am after also receiving sunlight.
Smudging Your Stones
Smudging refers to burning dried sacred herbs and using the smoke to cleanse the crystals. Sage is one of the plants used in this method. This herb has powerful attributes that can purify spaces, objects, and people. Another alternative to Sage is the Palo Santo, a wild tree that commonly grows in Venezuela and Peru. Palo Santo is involved in healing rituals to eliminate intense negative energies.
How to Charge Your Crystals
Charging and programming your stones may also mean the same thing, but the latter refers to communicating your specific desires and expectations to the stones. Before going deeper into programming, the crystals, let us look at the ways for charging them.
Using Other Crystals
Crystals can also be used to charge other crystals. Selenite and Clear Quartz are great options you can bet on for maximum purification of your crystal's vibrations. The latter has high vibrations that charge the molecular compounds of other crystals when in contact. However, Clear Quartz cannot charge itself, requiring support from you when its vibrations reduce.
Charging with Rain Water
Although it is one of the overlooked methods of charging crystals, rainwater is one of the easiest and effective ways to improve the natural power of your stones. Set your crystals, especially those insoluble in the water on the grass or bare earth when it's raining to recharge them.
How to Program the Crystals
Programming refers to communicating your crystal specific desires and wants to the crystals, aiming to get certain benefits. Hold the stone in the palm of your hand and expose it to sunlight. As the light shines on it, speak your specific desires loudly and visualize what you expect to allow the stone to set the right vibration for the outcome. Moreover, you can program the crystal for someone else using this procedure. However, when it comes to visualization, you should see the outcome from the other person's perspective.
Care and Maintenance
Crystal requires maximum care to last long in your space. After programming the crystal, store it far from the reach of sunlight to maintain its shiny appearance. Pouches and Silk scarves are the best for this job, ensuring the crystal lasts long to impact your life positively.
The Bottom Line
Cleansing and charging improves the natural healing power of the crystals. Above are essential ways you can use to charge and cleanse your crystals for optimal performance. This blog also discusses how to program and store your crystals. Therefore, if you want to experiment with crystals in your self-care regimen, this might be a must-read blog.

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