Sacred Journey Collection
Deepen your connection with your inner-self and the Universe with our curated collection of spiritual items. From healing crystals and essentials to enchanting candles and jewelry, embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Anti-Stress Gemstone Kit
Happiness Gemstone Kit
Protection Gemstone Kit
Purification Gemstone Kit
Healing Gemstone Therapy Kit
Love Gemstone Therapy Kit
Prosperity Gemstone Kit
Fertility Gemstone Therapy Kit
7 Chakra Orgone Pendulum Set
Amethyst Worry Stone
Chevron Amethyst Worry Stone
Fluorite Palm Stone
Rose Quartz Healing Egg
Sunstone Palm Stone
Quartz Healing Egg
Kyanite Palm Healing Stone
Amethyst Druse Lamp
ELEVATE Healing Crystal Towers
From $17.00 - $35.00
Fool's Gold Charm
Multi Layer Pyramid
Tourmaline Crystal Elixir Water Bottle with Infuser
Tree of Life w/ Moon Orgonite Pyramid