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Vissudha Resin Incense Jar

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This is a blend of the finest natural resins, aromatic herbs, essential oils and spices, with the noticeable presence of eucalyptus essential oil, designed according to ancient wisdom with the intention to open and purify the Vishuddha Chakra. Continued use of this incense assists in improving the function of the chakra and promotes the ability to communicate, express oneself, and strengthens the will to give and share. It also helps to take responsibility and to flow with life, On the physical level, it assists in improving the immune system.

The Visuddha Chakra, the fifth energetic center, is situated at the base of the throat. It is the center that connects us with the element of ether. Prabhuji explains that this chakra relates directly to communication, but not only on the verbal level; it is related to our ability to express ourselves. With this understanding, it is related to everything ranging from art to the highest form of communication in meditation, the communion with our Self. On the physical level it is connected with the immune system and clarity of the voice. Made in U.S.A.

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